A challenge to enjoy creation and accept what we cannot understand.
A meditation on the flawed institution of the church and how it can meet our needs unexpectedly.
N.T. Wright continues to explore important questions in Christian Origins and the Question of God series.
Brian McLaren's A New Kind of Christian, while evading some difficult questions, puts forth a good argument for the Church's need to adapt to postmodernism.
A statement of beliefs fitting for holiday reflection.
The long-awaited film is finally here—what can we make of media opinions now that we can finally see it for ourselves?
Through experiencing the holiness of beauty, and through it, experiencing God, we are changed for the better.
Who are the gatekeepers of God?s truth?
On the ability of the gospel?s messengers to bring healing to those who suffer from memories of sexual abuse.
To the question of what Jesus would drive we can add, ?How would Jesus drive??
Ruminations on the relationship between God?s justice and God?s mercy.
Rap artist Kanye West brings a bold mission to America?s dance clubs and radios.
Breaking through the overuse of the term reveals a less abused meaning.
On the various functions of and responses to masks.
A review of Debbie Blue's collection of sermons titled Sensual Orthdoxy.
An exploration of the definition of anarchism and what Kingdom truth it can speak into contemporary culture.
A pastor presents a message of Advent hope to a small congregation in the middle of uncertainty.
In what ways are Christians responding to new technology, to the detriment or benefit of the Church?
A mother reflects on her children's faith journeys and the complexities of joy for Christian parents.
A daughter considers the legacy of her name in light of an encounter.
What happens when church becomes a social club with unwritten rules?
A short manifesto that's easy to memorize, but not always easy to live.
What bodies -- young or old or vibrant or dying -- can teach us about God and ourselves.
Nostalgia and regret in remembering the qualities of childhood friendships.
A reading that embraces the images of birth woven throughout the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
On the terrible, wonderful mystery of entering the world.
On our ridiculous attempt to walk with students through the valley of despair.
A narrative glimpse into the historic mind of a regretful king.
On Emerson's understanding of the soul and the search for divine truth.
On the bait-and-switch methods of contemporary evangelism.