Discovering what it means to be feminine by looking to the Creator of women.
How can perceptions of beauty change between ages 16 and 26?
What the world teaches us about the labels we place on ourselves.
An interview with artist Ben Keys about his series of paintings featuring TV Head.
On the dynamics of accepting one’s own body and teaching a teen-aged daughter to do the same.
On dismantling the securing illusions of ourselves and others.
An image on the wall tells several stories simultaneously.
On the images of God that meet us at various times in various places.
A list of graphic novels to check out when you're ready to go beyond Maus and Persepolis.
Exploring life lessons about public image in an episode of Firefly.
A renovation project sparks ideas about the interplay of images and values embodied in bricks and mortar.
A grandmother's humble lessons about what it means to be a woman.
Your opportunity to be a part of the conversation about women and femininity.
An adult wrestles with youthful images of identity.
The photographs of Andre Kertesz and the world of stories, and the stories of the world.
A written tour of an imaginary musical.
A review of L.L. Barkat's Stone Crossings: Finding Grace in Hard and Hidden Places, a collection of biblical reflections.
On understanding a creative reality through images.
A tour of images, holidays, uses, poems and ideas related to trees.
On the power of formative experience to set growth in motion.
Lessons from one of Africa's hardiest trees.
A response to current debates about justifiable tactics for U.S. national security.
An overview and analysis of statistics related to single people.
Four lyrical snapshots, taken over two weeks of celebration.
On an image for practicing prayer that acknowledges what is and is not known.
Ten world music albums that inspire wonder at the range of human creativity.
How what we believe shapes what we make and what we make shapes what we believe.
A personal reflection on weight, prompted by the ABC Family show, Huge.
A short story about a girl in the hospital and her twin in the mirror.
On giving politicians permission to tell the truth.