Looking back at a mile marker on a journey toward greater freedom.
A recounting of lately stumbled-upon wisdom regarding grace, redemption and forgiveness.
A review of the album Throwing Punches in the Dark by Matthew Perryman Jones
A sermon on Psalm 103 from a service of healing.
On the memories that can become woven into the fabric of our clothing.
Within the folds of clean clothes, a mother discovers something about her own mother.
How two films opened a window on walking ideas.
A rambling vacation yields delight, generosity and gratitude.
The difficulty of seeing other cultures-and our own-with eyes wide open.
Remembering Simone Weil and a middle school band of misfits.
A single mother living with her parents puts a few thoughts on the proverbial clothesline for examination.
A shameless fanboy's reflection on books that help us believe.
Chronicling an English major's complicated relationship with books.
How adults and children can walk together on the journey toward discovering grace and self.
A time of transition yields lessons about identity and forgiveness.
Why is the church often the last place people find acceptance?
A review of L.L. Barkat's Stone Crossings: Finding Grace in Hard and Hidden Places, a collection of biblical reflections.
On understanding a creative reality through images.
On discovering true family and truer hope in a new place.
Reflections on experiences and lessons in joy, looking back on a life in the midst of death.
A difficult summer prompts reflections on the problem of joy.
A farmer reflects on lessons from twelve years of harvests that apply to growing vegetables and far beyond.
A visual and narrative reflection on God the Guide.
On learning to trust after life changes in a split second.
Ten lessons to treasure heading into life after fifty.
A reflection on a full-bodied model for teaching, celebrating and practicing communion.
A review of Nora Gallagher's book The Sacred Meal.
Thoughts on the question of (not) registering for gifts.
Re-examining the checklist for who's in and who's out.
Can a rule of life turn a Martha into a Mary?