As an animated film, Shrek defies the norms set by sweet and predictable Disney films.
Adaptation joins several other well-known films in addressing the isolating problems of writing and self-creation.
What happens when a science project doesn?t go exactly as planned?
A discerning look at the controversial series reveals common misconceptions about fantasy.
On the need to cultivate the fantasy-lives of believers in Spirit-filled churches.
Matthew Dickerson's Following Gandalf follows the post-movie trend in analyzing Tolkein's works.
A married woman struggles with a strong attraction to another man.
Gathering stuff put in the perspective of life in the Creator.
A fresh look at an old classic reveals reasons to revel and to critique.
A reflection on the energizing power, for better or worse, of imagination.
A review of the film Pan’s Labyrinth exploring the film's imaginative qualities.
A fantastic tale about losing--and finding--one's voice.
Reflecting on the films Melancholia and Another Earth as Christmas approaches.
On making room to kindle our childhood imaginations.