A double review of The Spiral Staircase: My Climb Out of Darkness by Karen Armstrong and You Can Go Home Again by Gene Logsdon.
An evangelical expatriate considers what led to her most recent major life change.
A review of Take the Risk: Learning to Identify, Choose, and Live with Acceptable Risk by Ben Carson, M.D., with Gregg Lewis.
Three Rivers, Michigan promises destinations for many kinds of pilgrims, including the reluctant ones.
And the decision is not quite as ironic as it might seem at first.
Creative jock or an athletic artist? A reflection on a time of making decisions about love.
On surrendering control and remembering how to play in a season of inevitable change.
An interview with Nicole Carlin about her family's work in Haiti.
A cautionary tale from a renegade registering spree.
Some cautions toward focusing on what it's really all about.
Pondering gift registry in the final stages of planning a wedding.
On the (merciful) complexities of choosing moral positions within the context of human relationships.
On the costliness of growing up into Christ-centered institutions.
A review of the film Of Gods and Men, directed by Xavier Beauvois.
Lessons in leading from Nehemiah and the city council.
What happens when the mess in the house becomes a metaphor for the mess in other parts of life?
How a maxim has taken on meaning throughout a life.
The warmth of spring invites re-consideration of planting efforts.
Why going to college shouldn’t be like eating at McDonald’s.
Reconsidering the life goals of a high school self.
Learning to trust the decisions we make in third grade.
Looking back on a formative childhood decision.
Reconsidering a family trait for persistence.