A last-minute duty yields lasting revelation.
What does it mean to truly ?eat well??
St. Benedict?s Table strives to cultivate a liturgy for vital worship.
On learning by observation how to defeat death with a cold beer.
On the moments when the ritual of gathering for food transcends the elements themselves.
On modeling Christ as a guest at the table.
A sermon on Psalm 103 from a service of healing.
How international dishes can help us explore the world and acknowledge our limitations.
A Food-a-Rac-a-Cycle for every church…or a new way that leads to old understanding?
Rituals of Passion Week, discovered over a lifetime, can remind us of who we are, who Christ is.
A review of the book Enough: Contentment in An Age of Excess by Will Samson.
Growing a church community around the centrality of the shared feast.
Is the devil really in the details?
A reflection on a full-bodied model for teaching, celebrating and practicing communion.
Word play leads to serious food play when it comes to communion.
On discovering the weight of the sacred meal.
A review of Nora Gallagher's book The Sacred Meal.
A review of Harriet Brown's memoir Brave Girl Eating: The Story of a Family's Struggle with Anorexia.
A poetic reflection on incarnation.
Chronicling a relationship (or lack of) with wine.
Unearthing the memories of love and loss contained in the family cabin.
An ordained minster reflects on the source of her calling.
Considering what it means to feel at home as a child of traveling parents.
A reflection on the community of Acts and accepting the invitation.