A challenge to enjoy creation and accept what we cannot understand.
As Christmas approaches, we can prepare to accept God's good gifts by setting aside our own efforts and becoming like little children.
The mystery of the incarnation is not just a topic for philosophers and theologians--it initiated the transformation of our family tree as children of God. Iconography is one attempt to capture the mystery, but what can we discover by going straight to the Word?
A musician's perspective on how the recognition of failure leads to the realization of grace.
A statement of beliefs fitting for holiday reflection.
Who are the gatekeepers of God?s truth?
A review of The Woodsman.
On modeling Christ as a guest at the table.
A work of art serves as a reminder of the nature of Christian fellowship.
An interactive reflection on families, intimacy and the transforming power of Christ’s birth.
Rituals of Passion Week, discovered over a lifetime, can remind us of who we are, who Christ is.
Preparing for the Christmas celebration during Advent by touching, visiting and living.
Or was it a mule? Perspectives on tradition.
Learning to turn around and see each other.