A timely reminder that Sabbath is a gift, not a burden.
A personal story and an overview of principles for life balance.
What happens when a child-like boredom meets adult busyness.
Might a fast teach us how to better "chop wood, carry water"?
On cultivating a new attitude toward the busier-than-thou game.
A summer in a national park teaches the difference between productivity and fruitfulness.
Three Rivers, Michigan promises destinations for many kinds of pilgrims, including the reluctant ones.
On receiving a call for submissions for the "Women's Worlds" issue of catapult magazine.
The question of whether Google is making us "stoopid" may only begin to assess what we stand to lose.
A family learns to trust the Spirit and stay inside -- until it's time.
On the consequences of perpetual busyness.
Advice from a pastor, writer and mother of three.
A review of Julia Scatliff O’Grady’s Good Busy: Productivity, Procrastination, and the Endless Pursuit of Balance.