An Advent reflection on adopting and being adopted.
Reflections on becoming a parent.
A sampling of images and mini-essays from a unique interactive project.
A book list by the mother of a toddler explores experiences from birthing to sleeping.
A response to catapult’s “Family Planning” issue.
On the Divine's experience of love from within a body.
A reflection on God entering the world as a newborn baby.
How a firstborn daughter arrived just in time for Christmas.
Reflections on becoming a father.
How hours of pain and anger broke through to love.
On learning to see Immanuel here and now.
Reflections on the dark days of early parenthood with Hillary Frank.
Lessons from accepting the gift of a late pregnancy.
On embracing the mourning of parents who have lost a child to a miscarriage.
A mother's reflection on the birth of her extraordinary, completely ordinary child.
A review of a controversial toy that asks us to wrestle with what's "natural."
A song to carry through times of crisis.
Contemplating goals as the mother of a new baby.