Kalle Lasn's Culture Jam, while plentiful in justifiable critique, lacks vision for proceeding against the problems of mass media. However, the need for vision is where Christians have a lot to offer.
Approaching advertising with discernment involves a willingness to establish values in advance and to be fully awake when viewing.
While general advertising can be a trick to lure in unsuspecting consumers, the church has special considerations when creating and sending out "successful" marketing materials.
An animation featuring some stats about advertising; a good introduction to 'So what?' below.
Analyzing advertising statistics and asking why Christians should care.
We take in hundreds of ads every day?what should be our response?
On the adman's use of music, for better or worse, to manipulate.
All creation is groaning...and someone has to push.
On doing things differently, without failing to speak the language of tradition.
On the twentieth century's food legacy, and what the first century might have to say about it.
The how and why, the true and false, and the good and bad of branding.
A perspective on medium from a professional in journalism.
Calling all students -- and myself -- to turn toward the upside-down Kingdom (again).