Vol 4, Num 13 :: 2005.07.01 — 2005.07.14
Someone noted recently that my editorials have taken on a more confessional quality as of late. I agree with that observation and it?s been refreshing to admit all of the things I don?t know, rather than bow to my selfish desire to be the bi-weekly bearer of a stunning revelation.
In my experience, confession itself is not nourishing to the body, mind and soul. Right confession is a fast that starves my whole being of the desire for control. However, confession prepares my being to accept the nourishment of grace.
Reading David Malone?s account of eating the perfect strawberry in the feature article for this issue made me consider the grace-full moments I?ve experienced recently that have answered the question of why humans were created with discernable parts.
And so I?d like to list some of those moments I?ve experienced recently that have fed all of me. But first, a confession to chasten me for the luxury of revelry: it?s 11:28 p.m. and the issue will be going online in 32 minutes. Forgive me my lack of transitions as I forgive the non-sequiturs of others.
11:48 p.m. is past my deadline and I?m off to attend to my body, mind and soul with a seven-hour sleep. I hope you?ll continue the discussion with examples of your own mysteriously satisfying experiences that engage and nourish all of your self.
Discussion: body/mind/soul experiences
What have you experience that has satisfied your whole being in some mysterious and complex way? Do you usually know these moments as you experience them or do you make the connection later? Can we create these moments or do we encounter them?
your comments