Vol 2, Num 24 :: 2003.12.19 — 2004.01.01
I believe in Jesus Christ and in the power of the gospel, begun in Bethlehem.
I believe in the one whose spirit glorified a small village, of whose coming shepherds saw the sign, and for whom there was no room at the inn.
I believe in the one whose life changed the course of history, over whom the rulers of the earth had no power, and who was not understood by the proud.
I believe in the one to whom the oppressed, the discouraged, the afflicted, the sick, the blind, the injured gave welcome, and accept as Lord and Savior.
I believe in the one who—with love—changed the heart of the proud and with his life showed that it is better to serve than to be served, and that the greatest joy is giving your life for others.
I believe in peace, which is not the absence of war, but justice among all people and nations and love among all.
I believe in reconciliation, forgiveness, and the transforming power of the gospel.
I believe that Christmas is strength and power, and that this world can change if with humility and faith we kneel before the manger.
I believe that I must be the first one to do so.
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