Vol 4, Num 21 :: 2005.11.18 — 2005.12.01
Last night I dreamed I
was a Cherubim
- plural -
with a multitude of eyes
in a multitude of places.
With many wings I worshipped,
soared and saw
the World in a telephone line
cylindrical small and stretched
between distant Points
and talking, or listening
racing back and forth
in a longing for simultaneity
as I rested among the branches of eternity.
And I saw its footprints in logic gate
matrices suspended between
Here and There,
carrying past into future
in order to arrive too late
to find more than more footprints
and the absence of simultaneity.
I dreamed last night I
was a Cherubim
- plural -
who took wing without leaving and
halfway between here and there
actually met you
as a Cherubim too.
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