catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Something's missing


Dec 11 2003
05:52 pm

I understand the concern. I do.
But I dread the thought of having to talk or review movies on the basis of whether or not the film’s “worldview” or whatever the H that means, is Christian or not. If I play critic, is that my sole duty to decided whether or not the film is moral? I pray it’s not.
Can I talk about Kill Bill in a historical or genre context without specifically proclaiming it’s good or bad. Or is *cino the place to for a discussion such as this: where does Kill Bill fit into the history of film? Obviously this is not a question devoid of moral questions, but if we should take Tarntino seriously as a filmmater (I think we should) then this is an important, although not specifically moral, question.
Perhaps this is not a relevant question for *cino members.