catapult magazine

catapult magazine




Oct 08 2003
01:55 pm

I liked Luther. My theological historian friend would concur with yours…we saw it together.
I too appreciated how the Word of God was held in high esteem.
I also appreciated the Gospel proclaimed…seeing Luther’s passion for it and how he shared it with his congregation—preached it!
I liked how Luther was portrayed. We could see his struggle and yet, so powerfully, his conviction based on the Word of God and his love for the Word of God and Truth.
Peter Ustinov was a delight…I don’t know if his character was more fictionalized than not, I’m not a history buff, but I liked him.
I’m not much of a movie critic so I can’t weigh in on some of your other points…I just know I was moved emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually…it was worth seeing.