Vol 8, Num 11 :: 2009.05.22 — 2009.06.05
When I think of being alone, I often think of being single, especially my experience of being single. Being single is not something I thought I purposely chose. It was more that I purposely chose some things, and being single was a by-product of those choices. The following gives you an idea of what I mean:
And thus, I’ve ended up single — sort of, but not exactly, by default. I’m a lot more willing now to acknowledge my participation in my being single than I used to be. I admit that earlier I might have done anything I could to hide my embarassment in being single. To acknowledge my longing not to be alone while still fighting against the assumption that my being single meant that there was something wrong with me, I might have even said that “God just hadn’t put the right person in my life yet.” But honestly, I can’t exactly claim that I’ve had my eyes or heart open to see if God might have brought me into contact with a person who was good for me — either me as I used to be or the me I’ve become. Instead, I had my own ideas of who would be a good fit (and we all know how well that turned out!). At the same time, God has prevented me from the irresistible charms of someone who might be bad for me. And more so, he has helped me so that my longing not to be single has never been so great that I’d choose to get married more to have a companion and family than because a certain person would be good for my growing further in God and his calling in my life.
I recognize now that my being single has been a choice. And I’m thankful for that choice, thankful for how I’ve been able to follow God’s call on my life — and all of the adventures it has entailed. I am deeply thankful for the community that I’m part of, which fills my life with others who are concerned about me and who share the delight of their family with me. Thus, being single hasn’t meant being alone.
I am also thankful for the freedom being single has given me, for in being single, I can share my love easier since no one has any greater claim on my love, even as I have chosen now to share that love with a specific community. And I don’t want to give up being able to do that even as I’d enjoy having a “special someone” to share in my desire to love deeply those who are in my life.
As I think about finding someone with whom to share more of my life and calling, I feel like God has helped me grow healthier with that situation. I feel a lot less helpless — I have ideas of how I’d go about meeting people who might fit me and about how I’d date in a healthy way, unlike my unhealthy crushes of earlier. And I’m praying that God would open my heart and eyes more fully than in the past. But the search is still kind of limited, because if it’s a choice between leaving this calling I feel God now has for me or finding a special someone, then I’ll definitely choose to be single. Perhaps some day that will change, and then I’ll have to look again at what (other) kind of crazy adventure God might have for me. Until then I’m content choosing first to be single and trusting that God will open my heart and eyes if that should change.
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