Flying inspires wonder that we are worthwhile.
An inadequate attempt to capture in words the working of the Spirit in music.
What's American Idol doing in the pulpit?
A series of columns travels through the seasons of nature and of life.
An artist explores her journey of expression and faith.
Chip in your two cents about a book, film, lecture or anything else that helped change your mind about something.
What a kindergartener's fashion sense reveals about the mystery of God.
A long illness and healing process shifts relationships and conceptions of self.
Concerning another kind of birth story: creation.
A tour of timeless themes that pop up in the most unpredictable places.
A meditation on what the light of Christ illuminates here and now.
Good news delivered from a dark pulpit on a Wednesday: dead is alive.
On Emerson's understanding of the soul and the search for divine truth.
Where has Jesus walked in the years since the ascension?
Learning to see and dismantle global injustice.
On a couple of beers and a conversation between friends.