On what happens when the kidnapping of Christian peace activists in Iraq meets the interpretation of a conservative radio pundit.
A look at how some of the folks connected to *cino choose news sources and discern information.
The journey of an addictive personality leads to…the radio?
On (not) coming to terms with the burden of citizenship.
A perspective on medium from a professional in journalism.
A case for committing to information we can touch.
A personal history told through the lens of newspapers.
Continuing a family legacy (in certain ways) of reading the Grand Rapids Press.
Holding up Wendell Berry’s mad farmer manifesto to the paradigm of progress.
On reading the paper and selecting which stories to let in.
One reason I had no idea what’s going on in Venezuela.
The value of local news as a lens for seeing the world.
On paying attention to what we consume, and how we consume.
The seasons of life, and the seasons of news.
Considering the news, from a childhood in the turbulent 60s to adulthood as an African missionary.
On making space to let the news shape us, and our opinions.
The power of being a filter for other people’s news.