catapult magazine

catapult magazine

Items tagged farming

  • Some say the Midwest is dying

    A young couple mourns and celebrates the passing of time as they visit the small town of Hospers, Iowa.

  • Tasting the good life

    As small farms around the world are succumbing to corporate agriculture, a southwest Michigan couple is embarking on the road of the small-scale farmer for the first time. An interview and photos tell their story and explain more about Community Supported Agriculture.

  • Offering hope for local food sources

    In his first year as a CSA farmer, the author is grounded in the faith values that sustain his hard work.

  • It can still be done

    One person's story shows one path to self-sufficiency.

  • Fair trade coffee is for the birds!

    A basic, well-researched exploration of why fair trade coffee is important and what you can do to promote it in your community.

  • Turning again

    A double review of The Spiral Staircase: My Climb Out of Darkness by Karen Armstrong and You Can Go Home Again by Gene Logsdon.

  • The past is the future

    Sustainable agriculture’s solutions for biodiversity loss and rural poverty.

  • Eating violence

    Exploring the troubling origins of our identities as creatures who are what we eat.

  • Peas from a can

    A review of the 1947 young adult novel Judy's Journey by Lois Lenski, which chronicles the invisible history of migrant workers.

  • Fidelity and fecundity

    A farmer reflects on lessons from twelve years of harvests that apply to growing vegetables and far beyond.

  • Byron’s Recommendations 9.18.09

    Mini-reviews of three new books that will make you smile: on parenting, plenty and pranking.

  • Fast food and forgetfulness

    Can our eating habits really induce us to forget God?

  • The sacrament of meat

    An excerpt from Eat With Joy: Redeeming God’s Gift of Food.

  • Found in translation

    Wrestling with a complicated ethno religious legacy.