The problems with the popular television show and with the medium of television in general outweigh the potential educational value.
A student analyzes Hermann Hesse's novel for affronts to Christianity and then explains why such literature should be studied in Christian schools.
Teaching children how to have a relationship with the natural environment cures an ache that is only temporarily dulled by material things.
A review of Howard Gardner's The Disciplined Mind: Beyond Facts and Standardized Tests, the K-12 Education that Every Child Deserves.
If you've been wondering what *culture is not optional is all about, check out our latest attempt to explain ourselves. Hint: it's got something to do with our motto?
*cino proposes to expand and market a media discernment curriculum developed by the author that is already being used successfully at Illiana Christian High School.
*cino acts+two communities propose cooperative education among local churches.
American Protestant universities are currently faced with the challenge of defining an approach to culture that fears neither questions nor answers. In this sense, what does an effective institution look like?
I thought liberal arts classes would be boring, until I started finding God in every one of them.
How can the college experience affect an individual's lifelong approach to culture?
On the suffering that penetrates even the colorfully-decorated walls of a kindergarten classroom.
A faith-based argument against interscholastic athletics.
A timeless craze threatens to isolate teen-agers from other people and from God.
A period of service in Haiti leaves a language arts teacher transformed.
What can be seen as extraneous is, indeed, essential.
How can a called writer patiently fulfill his monumental task?
On teaching a new generation to care for creation.
A parent chooses a unique form of education to help her sons develop a sense of "self."
A teacher?s assistant ponders what keeps him up all night grading students? papers.
On the challenge of assigning students a grade and the qualities of ?failure.?
Struggling with agenda-driven giving at Christmas time.
A week-long natural resource calendar guides the whole family in resource education and analysis.
A parent of two following The One Rule learns a bit about the nature of the Parent of us all.
How do we process what comes from the generation before to benefit the next generation?
An unschooling mom makes a list from experience.
This summer's Practicing Resurrection conference will highlight the reality of the Kingdom in all of life.
What's American Idol doing in the pulpit?
What happens when "the world" enters your sub-culture?
A trip to the fabric store, inspired by the need for costumes, sparks creativity and wonder.
A social work student examines her calling to assist in times of death.