A young couple mourns and celebrates the passing of time as they visit the small town of Hospers, Iowa.
Despite several flaws in reasoning, Roaring Lambs provides a compelling argument for Christians to transform culture.
A teen-aged boy struggles with the many dimensions of what it means to be his brother's keeper as he cares for his mentally handicapped older brother.
New movie is darkly comical in its approach to some of life's major questions.
A suburban Chicago church is following a difficult but rewarding path in an effort to bridge racial gaps, give away more money, and conform to the biblical model for church.
As we begin a new year, let's commit to positive change in whatever capacity we are equipped.
Kalle Lasn's Culture Jam, while plentiful in justifiable critique, lacks vision for proceeding against the problems of mass media. However, the need for vision is where Christians have a lot to offer.
A family finds a perfect home in a "changing" neighborhood.
Brian McLaren's A New Kind of Christian, while evading some difficult questions, puts forth a good argument for the Church's need to adapt to postmodernism.
A period of service in Haiti leaves a language arts teacher transformed.
A Midwestern college student volunteers for an eight-week summer mission trip to Eastern Europe.
A series of meditations, stories and quotes on the nature of time, change, and grace.
Late night thoughts on the incarnation as turning point.
Wouldn't we all love to live in the country of our dreams?
On the saving gift of friends and family.
What Goldsworthy and Christo have in common.
Are we necessarily caught between conviction and relativism?
On the difference between a mallet and a meow as instruments of judgment.
On the pressures of orchestrating "the most important day of your life."
A written discussion about social intimacy.
A meditation on key chains as a barometer of local and internal culture.
How can we move from despairing over the bad to cultivating the good?
A high school reunion inspires reflection about change and growing up.
An interview with Dale Ter Haar, owner of South Park Hardware in South Holland, Illinois.
Another transition prompts reflection on the fleeting experience of good things.
An evangelical expatriate considers what led to her most recent major life change.
A move to Pennsylvania from Michigan inspires a meaningful mix CD.
A review of the film An Inconvenient Truth.
A journey comes full circle…or does it?
On the energy that results from tension within the self and within communities.