catapult magazine

catapult magazine

Vol 7, Num 22 :: 2008.12.05 — 2008.12.19


Conversation: “Incarnate”

As a means of expanding the content of this issue beyond what’s been submitted by our contributors, I invite you to join in with your comments and links below.  You can respond directly to the questions or to another topic related to the issue theme.  If you have a longer response to the current issue that you’d like to submit for consideration as an article, please feel free to send it my way by the Tuesday after the issue is published.

Over to you for your ideas, struggles, resources and stories…

-k. vg-r

  • When have you experienced the waiting and anticipation of Advent most deeply?  What rituals are meaningful to you at this time of year?
  • Who or what has helped you understand the meaning of the Incarnation? 
  • Do you find yourself privileging your mind over your body or vice versa?  Thinking or living?  Knowledge or action?

your comments

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