catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Is cheerleading overrated?


Dec 23 2002
12:27 pm

Yes……Any comments??


Jan 06 2003
11:59 pm

i’ve always wondered why school athletics couldn’t be structured more like intramurals. it seems like there must be some way to allow more students to participate while still allowing those who are really skilled to thrive and keeping the focus on exercise and learning a game.

a big danger of the current system, i think, is that students learn that you’re either a jock or you’re not. for students who tend to be nerds, healthy physical activity gets demonized and a pattern gets set for the rest of their lives.


Jan 07 2003
12:00 am

oh, an intramural style athletics wouldn’t be as financially draining on a school. that’s a big thing.


Jan 07 2003
12:00 am

oh, and intramural style athletics wouldn’t be as financially draining on a school. that’s a big thing.


Jan 07 2003
11:23 am

Amen! Preach it, Sister!


Jan 07 2003
01:01 pm

Too true. More money for schools would mean even bigger gymnasiums!


Jan 07 2003
02:57 pm

Oh, Man, Norb. Can’t you let a guy dream a minute before bursting his bubble.


I suspect you’re right though.


Jan 10 2003
08:48 pm

getting cut from teams=not fun

why I like college, more intramurals. (that and many other things) One thing you said a long time ago though I would not agree with, you said something amout the competition to be virtually non-existent and notas cut throat for drama stuff and that’s not true. It’s not so bad at some schools but wowzers it can be VERY cut-throat. But other than that I completely agree with everything you’ve said. Sports are very overrated (that includes cheerleading if you want to call it a sport and not a whole bunch of synchronized obscenely happy people trying to yell things to a crowd that can’t hear them anyway) however it does provide a place for some people to feel special, but I think they could do that in intramurals too.

I’m a nerd too though, so I’m prejudiced. There seem to be more nerds than others though, we could rule the world…what am I saying, nerds do rule the world. Can you say Bill Gates?